Monday, February 8, 2010

Save nature

In our everyday life, water, air and land matter a lot. We drink water, breathe air and walk on land. We can tell whether the water we drink has peculiar taste, is colorless or it has an odour which is unpleasent. The air we breathehas dust and smoke. The land we walk on is dirty and spoiled. All this is due to the fact that we are facing serious problems of pollution. There are many types of pollution; water pollution; air pollution; land and noise pollution. The fast growing population, increased number of factories and industries, and a large number of smoking vehicles are the main causes of pollution. Water pollution takes place when it gets mixed with unclean and filthy matter due to poor drainge and sanitation system. Very often filthy water containing human and animal waste, and poisonous chemicals is mixed with drinking water. This dirty water is absorbed by land and reaches the underground storage of water.It is then is supplied to public by the tubewells as drinking water. This dirty water also pollutes the nearby lakes, canals and rivers. Thus nature's main sources of ground and surface water are also affected. Land pollution takes place when people dispose of their waste on the land. The improper disposal of the waste material results in a number of problems. When it rains, the rain water seeps through the soil. The waste dissolves and carries with it harmful materials which pollute the soil. Air pollution is the most dangerous type of pollution and also very difficult to control. It is spread all over. Its effects on human health are wide ranging and very dangerous. Noise pollution is also causing problems in the densely populated areas. Excessive use of vehicle horns and loud music beyond a safe level damages the ear drums. Enviromental Protection Department is taking measures to control pollution. We, as citizens, must feel and take upon ourselves the responsibility to keep our enviroment clean. We must grow trees and protect the existing plants and trees. It is observed that most of the people clean their own places, houses and buildings, but throw garbage in the street or on the roads. It isthe duty of each one of us to put the trash in the dust bins and keep our atmosphere clean. All the bestYOUR REGARDS,ABDUL SAMAD

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